Saturday, January 14, 2023

fighter jet ukraine

Fighter Jet Ukraine - Sending ex-combatants to Ukraine is a terrifying idea, and while it's a radical thing to do, there are many practical ways.

Two French jet fighters (left) and two Polish MiG-29s in Poland. Air base in Malbork on April 29. 2014 April 29 Joel Saget/Getty Images by AFP

Fighter Jet Ukraine

Fighter Jet Ukraine

As Russian President Vladimir Putin's brutal invasion continues, In Washington and other NATO capitals, calls to arm Ukraine's military have made headlines. Russia's attacks on civilians and unprovoked aggression understandably call for more, but not all ideas are good. The claims persist despite reports from US European Command that the relative effectiveness of Ukraine's air force is unlikely to change with the addition of fighter jets. Their willingness to support Ukraine in resisting a bare-bones invasion is commendable. But security assistance is more than just providing equipment—it's a complex matter of building or facilitating capacity and answering the right questions. Getting it wrong can create new problems. In a powder keg like Ukraine where war could erupt in a conflict between NATO and Russia. This raises the question of affordability without leading to direct confrontation between the nuclear powers.

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The rule of the politician is here in full force: "We must do something. We must do this and that. Therefore we must do this." It is questionable whether Eastern European NATO member NATO should provide Ukraine with MiG-29 Fulcrum aircraft because the aircraft are operated by Ukrainian forces. Poland recently offered to fly its aging MiGs to Ramstein Air Base in Germany. US forces offered to hand over their plane to the Ukrainian pilot, who would fly it back to Ukraine. Some went down this rabbit hole by suggesting that Ukraine send its own A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter jet to Ukraine because of the long seizure of Russian vehicles, which have now mostly been cleared.

Successful security assistance begins with a defined requirement: What battlefield outcomes does Ukraine need to achieve? Are Ukrainian forces incapable of intercepting Russian aircraft, or are they finding ways to destroy Russia's formidable logistics convoys and tanks? How will more planes make a difference? While those questions have largely eluded the public conversation, U.S. defense officials have repeatedly said the move carries more risks than rewards. Most of the Ukrainian fighters are still in combat. The Air Force of Ukraine uses about 50 aircraft and flies about five to 10 missions per day. In contrast, Russian aircraft fly almost 200 missions per day, but most of their flights are in Russian airspace. Both sides are likely to be very careful to avoid ground-based air defense systems. With this knowledge, a note of Soviet-era air superiority will not improve the sense of Ukraine's military situation.

Publicly available information does not appear to indicate a lack of Ukrainian air superiority — the open-source intelligence site Oryx lists confirmation of seven fighter jets destroyed since the start of the Russian invasion — or that air superiority fighters are a key part of Ukraine's defense plan. If Ukraine lost MiGs in air-to-air combat, it unfortunately lost pilots and less crew to train for the new aircraft. If the fighters are destroyed on the ground. Why not destroy the same before using the new planes? How many Russian aircraft and ground vehicles were eliminated by Ukrainian aircraft compared to other methods? Proponents of sending the MiG or the A-10 have not been able to answer any of these questions convincingly.

They are not plug-and-play solutions. Polish MiGs are decades old and many people give up when they get their turrets. Fighters especially the elderly It requires a lot of maintenance as well as a reliable pipeline of spare parts and ammunition. Ukraine's ability to maintain these additional aircraft remains unclear.

Russia Ukraine War: Pentagon Says Poland's Fighter Jet Offer For Ukraine \

Supplying the A-10s would be more difficult, bordering on spectacular. There is absolutely no domestic capacity to maintain or repair these aircraft and no one is allowed to fly them. This plane is not a plane that has visited Ukraine. The desire to tear a winged gun through armored posts may live in the collective imagination of American airmen and members of Congress, and the aircraft was not wanted, as was calling the beautiful warhawk the A-10. survive. Modern air defense environment.

Unfortunately, Political expressions replaced practice. Fighting for her life, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has met with naysayers who suspect she is not asking for what she needs, and has addressed her needs. (As former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill observes, heroic figures are not great at military intelligence, and part of Zelensky's greatness at this point is that he is a skilled illustrator who knows how to apply moral pressure to the West. He called for more help.) He even described sending MiGs to Ukraine as the only morally correct option. But without argument for operational use. This solution is slightly better than vapor products; It distracts from efforts to provide useful assistance to Ukraine.

As an example of successful needs-based security assistance; See the current security assistance to Ukraine after the 2014 defeat. Ukraine's military has gone from a mixed bag of Russian-backed irregularities to one that shocks the world. His fierce resistance. Social media is filled with videos of small groups of Ukrainian soldiers trained by NATO member states destroying Russian armored vehicles carrying Western anti-tank weapons while Western-trained snipers are captured by Russian generals. Most of these loans naturally go to the Ukrainian men and women fighting the battles. But in 2014, they were less daring: training and getting the right tools were critical pieces of the puzzle.

Fighter Jet Ukraine

Half-baked ideas like the MiG deal are particularly dangerous in the context of Ukraine. Despite the chest-beating rhetoric, Russia and NATO do not want direct military conflict between nuclear-armed powers. Some have invoked the long-running American campaign of arming the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviet Union half a century ago. Despite popular knowledge of US involvement. These observers ignore the fact that the U.S. government provided the Soviets with useless equipment and never publicly disclosed U.S. involvement.

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The West has tools, Financial aid and intelligence support are being openly provided, and what comes next is already being publicly debated. Supporting Ukraine's efforts to preserve its independence is the right thing to do, but the risks must be worth the rewards for Ukraine and NATO. Deliveries to old enough existing aircraft do not clear this hurdle.

A joint session of Congress convenes to count the Electoral College votes in the presidential election in the House of Representatives on January 8, 2008 at the United States Capitol in Washington.

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Fighter Jet Ukraine

January 22 2018 Switzerland People arrive at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images

United States Finds A Loophole To Provide Ukraine With Fighter Jets

Recent years have brought historic challenges to multinational companies. Nationalism and protectionism are on the rise as COVID-19 shuts down global supply chains. Then Rus...Show moresia invades Ukraine and businesses around the world face the decision of whether to withdraw from the Russian market. This raises many questions: In a fractured world; Which side do companies with global footprints decide to take? How does the industry define its value? What will happen if the US and China continue down the path of separation? FP ၏ Ravi Agrawal သည် ဆွစ်ဇာလန်နိုင်ငံ ဒါးဗို့စ်မြို့ရှိ ကမ္ဘာ့စီးပွားရေးဖိုရမ်တွင် လုပ်ငန်းခေါင်းဆောင်များနှင့် ထိုင်ကာ ရှုပ်ထွေးလှသော ပထဝီနိုင်ငံရေးကာလတွင် စီးပွားရေးလုပ်ငန်းများ မည်သို့ ကြံ့ကြံ့ခံတည်ဆောက်နိုင်ကြောင်း ဆွေးနွေးခဲ့သည်။ Panelists များတွင် Fidelity International ၏ CEO Anne Richards ပါဝင်သည်။ Ernst & Young ၏ CEO Carmine Di Sibio၊ Umicore ၏ CEO Mathias Miedreich၊ ဥက္ကဋ္ဌနှင့် Lubna S. Olayan၊

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