Saturday, January 14, 2023

fighter jet vertical takeoff

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Lockheed Martin announced that a production model of the new aircraft was able to take off regularly earlier this month.

Fighter Jet Vertical Takeoff

Fighter Jet Vertical Takeoff

Contributor Eric Mack covers space, science, climate change and all things futuristic. His email address for advice is

Watch This Fighter Jet's Insane Vertical Takeoff

The latest round of modern space technology is very Zen to me. Like SpaceX's Grasshopper vertical takeoff and vertical landing vehicle, this Lockheed Martin F-35B can take off and land vertically, appearing to hover in the air in a meditative attitude that would seem odd for military fighters.

The first vertical test of the production model was successfully completed earlier this month and is captured in the official video below.

The trade-off for being able to combine the awesomeness of a fighter jet with the versatility of a helicopter is that the F-35B can't carry much fuel or weapons, meaning it can only be used for short trips.

An earlier version of the plane used by the Marines made its first vertical landing in March.

About F 35

Due to budget fluctuations and other issues, it's not yet clear where the F-35B will end up, but the US Marine Corps, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, as well as the Italian Navy, are among those considering the cool air cushion. in one place or another.

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